

329 Uppsatser om Smart Watch - Sida 1 av 22

Att kunna rita en perfekt cirkel är super : En jämförande studie om hur lärare använder smartboards i undervisningen

The purpose of the study is to examine how the teachers in second grade use SMART Board and compare two schools.The process I used was qualitative interviews and classrooms observations. Previous studies shows how widely SMART Board is used in classrooms, and this has also been shown in my study. The study shows how differently SMART Board is used in the classrooms, and how important education in the technology of SMART Board is to achieve in the classroom. The final discussion clearly shows similarities and differences in the use of SMART Board in different classrooms and also the teachers? thoughts about SMART Board as a tool.A central aspect in the use of SMART Board shows how important the basic education in SMART Board is.

Smart design för auktionsapplikationer på smartklockor : Att uppnå användbarhet på smartklockeapplikationer

This study concerns design thinking and how to achieve usability when designing applicationsfor Smart Watches. The study's focus is on interaction and design for online auctionapplications such as Ebay and Tradera. After studying usability and design for devices withsmall screens, guidelines and design principles for interactive systems, we developed apaperprototype for an auction application. The prototype was used for testing our intervieweeswhile observing and asking questions. After collecting the data we analyzed the responses andfeedback on our prototype and combined the results to previous studies.

Beyond Smart : A Quest for the Humane

Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.

Smart-TV hybridapplikation : En undersökning i hur hybridapplikationer kan skapas mellan Smart-TV och surfplattor, samt användbarheten för dessa typer av applikationer

De senaste åren har marknaden för surfplattor växt massivt samtidigt som Smart-TV?s har kommit fram som en ny produktkategori. Detta arbete är en undersökningen i hur surfplattor tillsammans med Smart-TV kan användas för att skapa en bättre upplevelse för användaren. För detta utvecklades en applikation på en LG Smart TV som sammankopplades med en surfplatta för att visa information om ett pokerspel. Sedan utfördes en undersökning med intervjuer där hybridapplikationen jämfördes gentemot att bara spela på surfplattan.

Ett kärleksbrev till hantverket

Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.

Smarta Textilier : kvinnor, teknik och regional utveckling i Borås

This thesis focuses on the mass media cover of ?Smart textiles?. The Swedish?smart? textiles are developed in Borås and are a mix of ordinary textile and new technology.  I analyse the article with a text analysis method, looking at themes and the language?s propositions in focus. Context and the actors in the articles are also important in the analysis.Many women occur as developers of the new smart technical product, a field often knowed as a typical male subject.

Elmätarens roll i framtidens elnät : Ett samarbete med Sweco Energuide AB och Mälarenergi Elnät AB

The initial aim of the roll out of smart electricity meters in Sweden was to allow remote readings of the households? monthly electricity consumption for billing purposes. Since then the transition towards a smart grid has become a more prioritized matter. In the roll out of next generation smart meters more attention is therefore given to how the Distribution System Operator (DSO) can benefit from the meter through different smart grid applications. This study uses a qualitative research method to identify three general fields of application and 15 specific concepts corresponding to ways in which the DSO can create added value from the information provided by the smart meter.

Smarta elnät i Sverige : Energibranschens förutsättningar och förväntningar

The need for a more efficient electrical grid has made the smart grid concept popular in recent years. The aims of this study are to identify the conditions in Sweden for implementing a smart grid and to analyse the opinions of stakeholders. One finding is that the large capacity of Sweden?s existing electrical grid decreases the immediate need for smart grid solutions. However, the rapid increase in wind power might push the development of a smart grid in the coming years.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser för smarta elnät

The electrical grid needs to be changed in the future in order to manage more distributed and renewable generation and also to make it possible for electricity consumers to be more active and aware of their electricity consumption. This future grid is usually referred to as a smart grid. With the transition to a smart grid, new challenges occur. One method to determine those challenges is to perform risk and vulnerability analyses. InStockholm, the new urban district Stockholm Royal Seaport is built.

Kartläggning och utvärdering av produkter och tjänster kopplat till begreppet Smart Grids

The Smart Grids development is driven by forces concerning safe electrictransmission done in an energy efficient way. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB has a visionto transform their electricity network into Smart Grids. To invest in Smart Grids theyhave a need to show their customers what advantages they will get from thedevelopment. This led to the formulation of this dissertation project where the aim isto identify products and services related to Smart Grids that will increase thecustomer satisfaction for Vattenfall Eldistributions private customers.The project started with a mapping of existing products and services on the Swedishelectricity market. From the mapping several development possibilities for VattenfallEldistribution were identified.

K - 1 : ...varför lockar det tittare?

AbstractPurpose / Aim: The purpose of this study is to find out why people look at K-1. I wanted to investigate what it was about looking at televised martial arts, specifically K-1, that attracts peoples attention and interest, and what it needs it satisfies within the viewer.Material / Method: This study consists of three separate parts, where I investigate and analyse the producer side of K-1, the receiver side, and the program in itself as a media text. For the producer part I performed interviews with the chairman of K-1 Sweden, the production manager at Eurosport Sweden and the Eurosport K-1 commentator. As for the receivers I interviewed six people who watch K-1 more or less regularly, in order to find out why the watch the show and what it gives them. The program text analysis I performed on two K-1 programs from Eurosport, and I based it on previous studies done of similar and other kinds of programs.

En studie av zero knowledge-identifikationsprotokoll för smarta kort

Zero knowledge protocols is a lesser known type of protocol that can be used for identification. These protocols are especially designed not to reveal any information during an identification process that can be misused later on, neither by the one who should be convinced of the identity of the user, nor by anyone else that is eavesdropping. Many of these protocols are also especially designed for implementation in smart cards. The more common type of card with a magnetic stripe has during the last few years become more susceptible to attacks since they are easily copied. Smart cards combined with a secure identification protocol has been predicted to be the solution to this problem.

Smart Control : En reaktion på EU:s ekodesignkrav

The purpose of this thesis is to assist the Swedish energy company NIBE Energy Systems in their studies of adaptive regulation applicable to electrical water heaters. Due to coming energy classifications of these appliances in the European Union, NIBE Energy Systems needs to use adaptive regulation, called Smart Control, to keep their products in the best possible energy class and remain competitive to the market. By using this Smart Control regulation a 2-3 % improve-ment of efficiency can be credited the system. This is a small number, but heavily needed, since the energy classes are based on the idea that the European Union is provided with electricity from coal condensate power resulting in a 40 % maximum efficiency. Furthermore, doing noth-ing will result in some water heaters not being approved to use on the market from 2015 due to low efficiency.

Interaktionen mellan lärare och elever med smart-board som medierande artefakt : En kvalitativ studie om lärandet vid problemlösningssituationer i matematik.

Skolans styrdokument ställer krav på att lärare och elever ska använda digitala medier i undervisningen och digital kompetens ses som en nyckelkomponent för ett livslångt lärande. Syftet är att analysera interaktionen mellan lärare och elever under problemlösningssituationer i matematikundervisningen med smart-board som medierande artefakt. Studien har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.Empirin är insamlad genom video-observationer och studien är öppen och kvalitativ. Empirin består av fyra filmade och transkriberade sekvenser som innefattar fyra olika elever och hur de arbetar med problemlösning med smart-boarden som medierande artefakt. Empirin är analyserad utifrån EMA-modellen, som bygger på idéer från John Deweys pragmatiska filosofi.Resultatet visar att interaktionen styrs av läraren eftersom att det är läraren som styr över talutrymmet, men även vilka elever som ska vara delaktiga i interaktionen.

Utrustning för test av Smart Call-system

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en utrustning för test av larmsystem uppbyggda med CareTech?s Smart Call-produkter. Testutrustningen ska kunna upptäcka problem i kommunikationen mellan dessa enheter. Den ska också kunna mäta matningsspänningen till enheterna under en viss tid och visa om spänningen har varit lägre eller högre än tillåtna värden..

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